

for you

We intervene on any existing building to restore value, aesthetics, function and liveability.

From simple dwellings to industrial and urban environments, and even buildings of historical, artistic and architectural value: our professionalism is placed at the service of public and private clients for tailor-made solutions respecting the characteristics of the property and in harmony with the surrounding context.

Property owners
Privately owned flats, villas and farmhouses, but also factories, warehouses and offices of corporate structures. We are a benchmark for the redevelopment, renovation and maintenance of buildings of all types, all sizes and all eras, even intervening in spaces that are considered useless.

Property managers
Shopping centres, galleries and museums: the skills of our professionals and workers are placed at the service of property managers on behalf of companies, organisations and institutions, making us a partner for enhancement work on historical or contemporary buildings.

Condominium administrators
From measures to optimise energy requirements through the installation of new systems, to plans to provide an envelope to thermally and acoustically insulate the building. We provide support in analysing the specific needs of each property, sharing ideas for improving liveability and comfort.

Technicians and professionals
We do not ‘create new’ but we ‘restore to new’. The skills we have built up over many years in the sector allow us to work alongside various professionals in the construction sector (architects, engineers, surveyors or technicians), with the sensitivity to listen to their clients’ needs and to arrive, together, at the best solutions.

Public bodies and religious institutions
History has bequeathed an enormous building, architectural and artistic heritage of public or religious ownership. But, at the same time, it also left the responsibility of protecting, enhancing, improving and handing down these assets to the future in a better condition than they were found.

Construction companies and workers
We provide support for construction site activities to offer experience, to bring out the value of an asset and to contribute to the relationship with the end customer, by working alongside construction companies, their employees or tradesmen specialising in different tasks (bricklayers, electricians, plumbers or painters).



5 promises

for quality service and reliability

Effettueremo una ricerca dettagliata sulle vostre specifiche esigenze e sulle normative di settore

Ridurremo al minimo fino ad annullare i tempi di fermo

Avremo una comunicazione continua e trasparente, con reportistiche per ogni fase del progetto

Adotteremo sistemi di lavoro replicabili in modo da poter sostituire eventuali collaboratori assenti

Forniremo supporto e assistenza con il passare degli anni, anche dopo la fine dei lavori


We will carry out detailed research into your specific requirements and industry regulations


We will minimise, or even eliminate, downtime


We will have continuous and transparent communication, with reports for each phase of the project


We will adopt replicable working systems so that any absent employees can be replaced


We will provide support and assistance as the years go by, even after completion of the work

dicono di noi

Eclettici e sognatori. Trovano sempre il modo di risolvere qualsiasi problema col sorriso. È sempre un piacere lavorare con loro.

Arch. Cristiano Bianchi

ZAG Architecture

Eclettici e sognatori. Trovano sempre il modo di risolvere qualsiasi problema col sorriso. È sempre un piacere lavorare con loro.

Arch. Cristiano Bianchi

ZAG Architecture

Eclettici e sognatori. Trovano sempre il modo di risolvere qualsiasi problema col sorriso. È sempre un piacere lavorare con loro.

Arch. Cristiano Bianchi

ZAG Architecture